Malaysia, Embassy of
Add: 13 Dongzhimenwai St.
Tel: 6532 2531 - 3
Fax: 6532 5032
Mexican States, Embassy of the United
Add: 5 Dongwu Jie, Sanlitun
Tel: 6532 2574, 6532 2070, 6532 2657 (Ambassador and Protocol)
Fax: 6532 3744
Mongolia, Embassy of
Add: 2 Xiushui Bei Lu, Jianguomenwai
Tel: 6532 1203, 6532 1810 (Protocol), 6532 1952 (Commercial Section)
Fax: 6532 5045
Morocco, Embassy of the Kingdom of
Add: 16 Sanlitun Lu, Sanlitun
Tel: 6532 1796, 6532 1483 / 9, 6532 1453
Fax: 6532 1453
Netherlands Embassy, Royal
Add: 4 Liangmahe Nan Lu
Tel: 6532 1131 - 4
Fax: 6532 4689
New Zealand, Embassy of
Add: 1 Dong'er Jie, Ritan Lu, Jianguomenwai
Tel: 6532 2731 - 3
Fax: 6532 4317
Norwegian Embassy, Royal
Add: 1 Dongyi Jie, Sanlitun
Tel: 6532 2261 / 2, 6532 1329, 6532 1426 (Ambassador)
Fax: 6532 2392
Oman, Embassy of the Sultanate of
Add: 6 Liangmahe Nan Lu
Tel: 6532 3692
Fax: 6532 5030
Pakistan, Embassy of the Islamic Republic of
Add: 1 Dongzhimenwai Dajie
Tel: 6532 2504, 6532 2695, 6532 6660, 6532 2581 (Commercial Section), 6532 1217 (Ambassador)
Fax: 6532 2715
Peru, Embassy of the Republic of
Add: 2-82, Sanlitun Diplomatic Ofc. Bldg.
Tel: 6532 4658, 6532 3719, 6532 2976 (Commercial Section)
Fax: 6532 2178
Philippines, Embassy of the Republic of the
Add: 23 Xiushui Bei Lu, Jianguomenwai
Tel: 6532 2794, 6532 1872, 6532 2518
Fax: 6532 3761
Poland, Embassy of the Republic of
Add: 1 Ritan Lu, Jianguomenwai
Tel: 6532 1235, 6532 1246 (Military Section)
Fax: 6532 1745
Portugal, Embassy of the Republic of
Add: 2-15-1/2, Tayuan Diplomatic Ofc. Bldg.
Tel: 6532 3497, 6532 3242
Fax: 6532 4637 |